Fedima Launches a Campaign to Promote Sourdough

The European trade association representing the bakery, patisserie, and confectionery ingredients’ manufacturers has launched a campaign to promote sourdough and inform consumers about this fascinating ingredient, according to perishablenews.com. The launch of Fedima’s campaign is marked by the publication of a video on sourdough, the first of a series of other videos and informative materials.

The sourdough campaign is based on the results of a survey conducted in 2019 in nine European countries gathering data from over 5.000 people. The campaign aims to educate consumers on sourdough, providing information on how it is formed, its taste and history, and its value in baking traditions across Europe.

Fedima has associations in 13 countries across Europe and aims to represent its members in EU-wide discussions on key policy issues, working to support and grow the bakery sector as a whole.

Sourdough is a natural leavening ingredient consisting of flour and water. It is obtained through the fermentation of cereals thanks to bacteria and yeasts, present both in cereals and in the environment. The use of sourdough has since been perfected over the centuries. Until the 19th century, sourdough was the main method for making bread.

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