Ingredient Report – from Ancient Grains and Pseudocereals to Modern Flour (Part II)

In the second part of our series of whitepapers dedicated to cereal-based ingredients and trends, we are focusing on ancient grains, with insights from Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients (LCI), courtesy of Claude Gagnol, director of international development at Limagrain Group. In this whitepaper, Gagnol explains the process of creating new cereal varieties and the benefits of the techniques created by his company.

Maurice van Tongeren, executive director, IREKS UK, also speaks about ancient grains. In his approach to the topic, he looks into how chia seeds can be used in baked products to improve their benefits.

Analyst Jonathan Thomas also offers his insight into the ancient grains trend, highlighting the rapid increase in the number of products marketed as being made from “healthy grains”.

Of course, much of the growing interest in ancient grains has been driven by the gluten-free trend, since many products in this segment are free from gluten. In addition, ancient grains are also perceived as a source of interesting new flavors, as well as adding a rustic look and feel to products, according to the analyst.

Ancient grains and pseudocereals have been in the frontline as an ingredient for baked good in the latest years. To meet consumers demand, companies from all industry ramifications worked to improve varieties and seeds, developing new processing methods and technologies, marketing, approaches to presentation. This new whitepaper was created to highlight research data and provide inspiration in product development.

The first part was published in December, with the launch our new website. The data included encapsulates research findings developed by industry experts, research companies, and is based on high-end sources of market analysis.


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